Windowsill Vegetable Garden: 17 Edibles You Can Grow Indoors
There’s nothing better than picking fresh lettuce, peas, and radishes from your windowsill in the middle of the winter. Yes, you heard correct, your windowsill. We all know you can …
There’s nothing better than picking fresh lettuce, peas, and radishes from your windowsill in the middle of the winter. Yes, you heard correct, your windowsill. We all know you can …
When it comes to time in the kitchen, I’m lazy. Don’t get me wrong; I love to cook. I adore cooking; I kind of rock at the big fancy dinner …
Chances are, if you’ve tried to buy seeds online this year, you’ve been met with a landing page saying you’ll have to come back later or that variety after variety …
I’m so excited, Rural Sprout Readers. I got a new blender for Christmas. Okay, fine. I bought myself a blender the first week of December. My old 70s Osterizer $5 …
It’s such an incredibly tiny act. We can be standing by while it’s happening and not even notice. Pollination. Almost three-quarters of the crops we grow for food are pollinated. …
Kitchens are the one room in the house that never seem big enough. Have you ever moved into a new home with a bigger kitchen, only to find you quickly …
As outspoken as I am, I’m rather unconfrontational. When it comes to causes I believe in; I’m more of a quiet revolutionist. And that’s why I’m on board with guerilla …
Tomatoes seem to be the one crop that everyone grows. Whether it’s a huge garden with row upon row of them or a cherry tomato plant in a container on …
Raised beds are enormously popular among beginner and experienced gardeners alike. They’re a great choice for folks with limited space. A well-kept raised bed always looks great in your yard. …
At some point in your gardening or houseplant journey, you’ll find yourself wondering if you need a grow light. Maybe you want to get a jump on the gardening season …
For many folks, mead is something you read about in books with dwarves and elves, not something you actually drink. But for those of us in the know, mead is …
In my mind, it’s simple – if you enjoy cooking, you should have a culinary herb garden. The plants beautify your home, the flavor and scent of fresh herbs are …
Witch hazel was the first product that got me started down the path of using natural products in the home. Like most teenagers, I struggled with acne, nothing serious, but …
If you’re even the slightest bit interested in natural remedies or improving your health, then I’m sure you’ve heard all about the fantastic health benefits of apple cider vinegar. It …
Many folks enjoy the annual tradition of blooming an amaryllis bulb at Christmas time. Their bright, showy blooms bring festive cheer to the winter holidays. If you’ve got an amaryllis, …
I’ll bet right now you’re beginning to feel the onset of that annual Christmas tradition – the post-holiday hangover. Not that kind of hangover, but the one that always shows …
When did ‘craisins’ become a thing? I’m pretty sure if you had asked me if I wanted dried cranberries on my salad as a kid, I would have looked at …
Citrus fruit goes hand in hand with the holidays. It’s the time of year when oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and the like are at their peak of freshness. While I can …
It seems each year Christmas shows up just a little bit earlier. It’s funny; the date never moves on the calendar, and yet, how often do we find ourselves scratching …
I tolerate summer. It seems to be everyone’s favorite season. But as someone who is perpetually too hot, summer is not kind to me. The season I love best is …
We are a Christmas tree farm family. Each December, we head out to a local tree farm to pick out the perfect evergreen to grace our home for the holidays. …
Politics and religion are two topics that generally elicit a strong response when they come up in conversation. These are also two topics in which I rarely participate. Call me …
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song goes. I tend to agree. Christmas and the holiday season are my favorite time of year. I love …
Lemon? This time of year? You bet. Citrus fruits are at their best in the winter, at least here in the states. And who doesn’t need a little boost of …