6 Reasons to Grow Marshmallow In Your Yard
Let’s get your burning question out of the way. No, I’m sorry, but marshmallow plants do not grow marshmallows. However, should you plant marshmallow in your yard, you can harvest …
Let’s get your burning question out of the way. No, I’m sorry, but marshmallow plants do not grow marshmallows. However, should you plant marshmallow in your yard, you can harvest …
Look, normally, I would draw you in with a funny story or quaint anecdote, but today I’m not messing around; we’ll get straight to the point. Should you grow spicebush? …
My first memory of cyclamen is tied to browsing through mail-order furniture catalogs as a pre-teen. I was more interested in the decorative houseplants than in the furniture. These weirdly-shaped …
Right about now, there are boxes of poinsettias being loaded into the back of trucks, which will make their way to a store near you. Whether or not you end …
We have a beautiful park where I live. No, really, it’s quite something. My friends and I have a running joke where we will wager a guess as to how …
Chrysanthemums, or mums, are definitively the flower of fall. I used to live near a large and popular nursery. Every year near midsummer, they would set up hundreds of rows …
Have you ever heard of anise hyssop? I hadn’t until a few years ago when a generous gardening friend shared an extra plant she had oversown. That first spring, I …
Propagation by division is the name given to the technique where gardeners divide perennial plants to make new ones. Division is one of the easiest methods of propagation, and is …
I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a rather bold claim. Bee balm needs to be in everyone’s backyard. Yup, if you grow flowering plants, bee …
So, you’d like to try your hand at making a broom, am I right? Or maybe you are here to learn a thing or two about diversifying the bird feed …
The type of soil you have in your garden will have a big impact on the plants you are able to grow. One common soil type is clay, or heavy …
Yarrow is a fascinating plant with a long history of use as an herbal medicine. But yarrow cannot only heal you; it can also have a healing and nurturing effect …
Let’s be honest, how often have you planted a flower because it was useful? How often have you wandered through a greenhouse full of color and scent from the gorgeous …
Filling your garden with an abundance of gorgeous flowers can be as simple as scattering seeds on the ground in spring. It’s really that easy. Pick a sunny site, amend …
The amazing thing about seeds is that these tiny little specks contain everything needed to create a whole new plant. With a little moisture and some time in the dirt, …
People drink over two billion cups of coffee every day. Most of the commercially grown coffee is found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. This big business …
Wildflowers are supposed to be easy to grow. At least that is the common thought. But not all of them are quite so easy-going. Some wildflowers can be downright finicky, …
Whether you are new to African violets or don’t have a room in your house without one, you need to read this article. These beautiful plants are a lovely addition …
For the longest time, I didn’t understand the popularity of growing amaryllis and paperwhites at Christmas. In my book, it seemed like one more thing that demanded my time in …
Container gardening can be a rewarding pursuit that can really help you make the most of all the space you have available. A container garden can be indoors, under cover …
You’ve picked up every houseplant on every beginner’s list, dipped your toe into some rare indoor plants, even started an expansive succulent garden on your windowsill – but you’re still …
There’s no better way to spruce up your home than with a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. Whether purchased from your local florist or brought indoors from your own cut …
Ponds and water features add a unique aesthetic to any garden. If you’ve always had one, or if you’re finishing up the last touches to your new feature, you’ll no …
When it comes to perennial garden plants, lavender often tops the list. This member of the mint family adds fragrance to every flower bed and attracts a variety of beneficial …