Garden Tower 2 Update – Gorgeous Lettuce Outgrowing my No-Dig!
Hey there Rural Sprout Readers; I wanted to check in with another update on my Garden Tower project. For those unfamiliar with it, the Garden Tower 2 is a vertical …
Hey there Rural Sprout Readers; I wanted to check in with another update on my Garden Tower project. For those unfamiliar with it, the Garden Tower 2 is a vertical …
Have you noticed how we’ve become obsessed with microbiomes over the past decade? Whether it’s the one residing in our gut or the one that’s below our feet, microbiome studies …
I’m not a huge fan of worms. While everyone else is waxing poetic about the fresh scent after a good rain, my nose picks up the scent of dead worms. …
You know those hamburger and hot dog buns that are topped with little black seeds that roll off in every direction when you take a gigantic bite? More specifically, the …
It’s time, Rural Sprout Readers. They’re coming. Spring 2021. Who knows, they may already be in your neighborhood. Some sunny afternoon, you’ll walk outside expecting twittering birdsong, and instead, you’ll …
It’s incredible how many plants there are in the average garden that you can grow again next season for free. Many gardeners take this fact for granted and purchase seed …
When planning out your homestead growing space, the vegetable garden tends to get most of the attention. However, you’re doing your family a disservice if you don’t prioritize learning how …
With the month of May comes dreams and aspirations of warmer weather, perfect for gardening and spending meaningful moments outside. Maybe you’ll be sitting close to the campfire, by the …
Everyone knows that compost is like black gold for your garden. Compost prevents soil erosion, it supplies your plants with necessary nutrients, it improves disease resistance and aids in water …
It’s tough being a new gardener. Or even an experienced gardener. There’s much to learn if you want a garden full of veggies instead of disappointment. And everyone has free …
Apple, cherry, plum, and other fruit trees are always a splendid addition to the edible landscape. Gorgeous in every season, fruit trees put out a mesmerizing display of fragrant blooms …
Operating under the cover of darkness, slugs and snails can do massive damage to garden plants in a very short period of time. Each evening, they leave their cool …
If you’ve read much about composting, you’ll know there are a different ways to go about it. One option is hot composting. There are a number of reasons why hot …
I stumbled across square foot gardening in my early twenties. I was watching PBS one Saturday morning, and there was this guy named Mel Bartholomew playing in the dirt. The …
Cucumbers are relatively easy to grow, but they can take up quite a lot of space in your garden, but provide a trellis or support for your cucumbers and you …
If you grow tomatoes, you probably have a collection of metal tomato cages stacked somewhere in your garage or shed. Maybe this year, you’ve decided to use a different way …
There are a range of different onions to grow in your garden – from large bulbing onions, to red onions, to scallions. But when choosing which onions to grow, and …
I remember growing up celebrating Earth Day in school and hearing about global warming and greenhouse gasses in class. These concepts always felt so far away when I was a …
I’m just warning you right now if you clicked on this to read, and you’re serious about attracting hummingbirds to your yard, it helps if you’re a little crazy – …
Hey there Rural Sprout Readers; with spring in full swing, I thought it would be a great time to give you an update on my Garden Tower 2 project. If …
Gardening is filled with so much lore and myth it can be hard to weed out (Ha, gotcha!) the truth from the trash. Gardening advice has been passed from one …
Succession gardening covers an array of planting methods that can double or triple your vegetable yields – all by using the same plot of land in a single growing season. …
As the garden slowly wakes up after a long winter slumber, the excitement for a whole new gardening season is palpable. The sights and sounds and smells of spring are …
If I wrote a post with the title, “10 Secrets to Your Best Ever Green Bean Harvest,” I’ll bet most folks would keep scrolling. However, if I wrote a post …