Quick and Easy Sprouting Guide: How To Sprout Vegetable Seeds
Sprouts are tasty little bites of freshly germinated seeds that enrich your health in a myriad of ways. They are rich in fiber, low in calories and full of essential …
Sprouts are tasty little bites of freshly germinated seeds that enrich your health in a myriad of ways. They are rich in fiber, low in calories and full of essential …
No matter what calendar month we are in, we are always pondering about the garden, whether we are dreaming about seeds, companion planting and this year’s garden layout, or getting …
Wood chip is a material that many take for granted. It is common on many homesteads, and used in many gardens, parks and public spaces. It is a valuable material, …
I love the internet, don’t you? With a few keystrokes, I can instantly get answers to all of my gardening questions. What kind of fertilizer should I be putting on …
Are you getting tired of the dreary, long, cold, snowy winter? Then it’s time to break out the seed and plant catalogs and start planning your spring garden. Nothing helps …
French Marigolds (Tagetes patula) are an excellent plant to grow. They look lovely in planters, hanging baskets or ornamental beds or borders, but they can also be an excellent addition …
There are times when you find a plant that perfectly combines beauty and utility. Glass gem corn is one of the best and most stunning examples of this phenomenon. The …
Fungus gnats are small, dark, soil dwelling flies that feed on organic matter in potting mix and other growing media. Adult fungus gnats reach a size of only 1/16 of …
Tomatoes are one of the most popular edible plants to grow at home. Depending on your climate, you may grow them outdoors, or in a greenhouse or polytunnel. You might …
Maybe you’re bored with plain green beans. Or perhaps those beefsteak tomatoes just aren’t cutting it for you anymore. Orange carrots? Boring, everyone grows those. Could be you’re a foodie …
Planting and tending a backyard garden leads to one of the most fulfilling activities you’ll find outdoors (outside of going for long walks with nowhere particular to go): harvesting. Gardening …
Homegrown tomatoes are simply the best! My Grandma and my Mom both had a knack for growing them, and by some matter of luck or fate, that tomato growing gene …
Are your garden harvests smaller than you dreamed of? Have you come to the realization that your garden may be in a less than an ideal location? Think again. You …
Winter is the time to plan for the growing season ahead. You might be surprised by the number of gardening jobs you have to do. You’ll be kept busy, even …
The use of plants for healing is as old as humankind. Analysis of plants found in the 60,000 year old grave of a Neanderthal man were determined to be of …
Raspberries are one of the most delicious berries to grow in your garden. A delicious perennial that will return year after year with proper pruning. They are certainly a favourite …
Charming. Yup, that’s the best way to describe African violets. These popular little houseplants are an excellent choice for novice plant enthusiasts and diehard green thumbs alike. Related Reading: 15 Rare & …
Are you ready to turn a straw bale into a garden? No, it is not magic, but it can be a lot of fun, and it can provide you with …
If you have never heard the term Hügelkultur before, then you may be rather confused about the subject of this article. But those in the know understand that this is …
When we think about growing food in our gardens, we generally think about fruits, vegetables and herbs. But flowers are not only for ornament, or for the bees and other …
Cultivating healthy homegrown food, and relying a little bit (or a lot!) less on what industry churns out, is a self-reliant dream for a growing number of people. With knowledge, …
Rabbits might be cute – with their huge ears, soft furry bodies, bunny hops, and wiggly noses – but that adorableness quickly fades once you see the damage they can …
It does not matter whether you have a large property, a tiny garden, or no garden at all, container gardening is a great solution for growing a range of different …
It all starts with a dream and a plan to buy some land, or move into a homestead out in the country, all of a sudden having more land than …