The Snail Seed-Starting Method – A Clever Way to Save Space and Money
Whether you’ve been at this whole gardening thing for a while or you’re just getting started, you probably know that starting your own seeds is a game changer. But doing …
Whether you’ve been at this whole gardening thing for a while or you’re just getting started, you probably know that starting your own seeds is a game changer. But doing …
For many of us, starting our own seedlings is one of the many highlights of gardening. It’s a great way to kick off the garden season well before we can …
Are you planning on starting seeds this spring? Before you wait much longer, you’ll want to see if any of your seeds fall on this list. Otherwise, you may end …
As a kid, I always knew when we had reached the heart of winter. I’m not talking about the holidays but that long, empty stretch that comes after. It’s during …
Do you struggle to get your tomatoes off to a good start? Are you tired of tall, skinny tomato seedlings each year? Does every spring storm have you holding your …
I know this article is going to catch a lot of heat because GMOs are a hot-button topic among gardeners. But the amount of fear-mongering over non-GMO seeds is baffling …
Starting seeds in the middle of the winter is the best way to satisfy “the green itch.” You can extend a short growing season, enjoy things like tomatoes or peppers …
It’s disappointing to find pests in the garden or that your long-awaited produce is suffering from a disease, but it’s downright crushing when the start of the season is, well, …
Saving seeds from your own garden is a valuable skill that every gardener can easily acquire and learn, even in their first growing season. Storing them, however, is a slightly …
I first ran into the concept of using soil blocks when binging market gardening videos on YouTube. Like most home gardeners, I’d originally been introduced to seed starting in cells …
Love it for its nutrients, or hate listening to all the hype, kale is here to stay. Literally. Plant it one year, and if you allow it to spend the …
Spring is the beautiful time of year when most gardeners are out buying new garden seeds, if not sorting through their leftovers from last season. It’s a time of hope …
When it comes to daffodils, most of us think about planting bulbs in the fall. We rarely think about growing daffodils from seed. Yet each spring, daffodils grow seed pods …
Starting plants from seed is particularly rewarding. There’s nothing more satisfying than surveying your tiny kingdom of sprouts each morning. But sowing seeds can sometimes feel like a gamble. Luckily, …
Ask any child over seven, and I’ll bet they can tell you what plant the Monarch butterfly eats. At 43 years old, I still remember learning about the Monarch butterfly’s …
When the end of winter is in sight, it’s time to bring out your multi-year collection of garden seeds and start planning for an abundant new season. But are those …
People who start their plants from seed are some of the craziest gardeners. We’re even crazier than tomato-growing fanatics. And if you’re a tomato-growing fanatic who also starts their seeds? …
Don’t you just love a salad made with lettuce straight from the garden? But planting lettuce is another matter. Those tiny seeds are so fussy – they’re hard to pick …
Filling your garden with an abundance of gorgeous flowers can be as simple as scattering seeds on the ground in spring. It’s really that easy. Pick a sunny site, amend …
As spring approaches and seed sowing comes into full swing, you’ll be hit with tons of advice on how to get it right. This advice can help beginner gardeners, or …
Around the middle of the winter, many a gardener starts to get “the itch”. It usually starts when we open our mailbox and find that first seed catalog. Right there …
Sowing seeds is one of the most exciting gardening tasks. You get to take an incredibly tiny seed and turn it into an entire plant, watching it grow. Besides the …
As garden season approaches, it’s time to think through your growing strategy. One of the best ways to get a head start on food and flower production is to learn …