How To Build A DIY Indoor Greenhouse (& Why You Need One)
I’m not typically one to tackle DIY projects. Anything that requires a power tool is largely out of my wheelhouse. That was until I found pictures online of a glass …
I’m not typically one to tackle DIY projects. Anything that requires a power tool is largely out of my wheelhouse. That was until I found pictures online of a glass …
Your home life is more wasteful than you realize. The average American household consumes more than 900-kilowatt hours every month. Assuming you’re powering your home with coal or petroleum, this …
While there are entire books dedicated to drying herbs at home, you’ll find all you need to know right here. At the same time, we’ll also walk you through a …
Butterflies are among the most appealing insects found in nature. As indispensable members of the beneficial insect crew, butterflies are essential pollinators that pick up tiny grains of pollen on …
Dirt, grease, and grime are no match for the sudsy cleaning action of soap. But a bar of soap is no one-trick pony – it can do all sorts of …
The rich hue and warm shine of brass has a way of drawing the eye, which means it only takes one or two pieces in a room to pull you …
We’re always on the lookout for interesting and fun gardening projects here at Rural Sprout. And this time, we’ve got a doozy for you. Not only is this project fun, …
I love Christmas to the core. It’s my favorite time of year. And getting the Christmas tree has always been a big deal in our family. The annual argument over …
The basic recipe for making soap has been the same for thousands of years. Combining plant or animal fats with an alkali causes a chemical transformation, a process known as …
It’s nearly that time of year, when colorful lights illuminate windows and trees, while snowflakes come tumbling down from the sky. And as much as people appreciate and do their …
Eons ago, fire was one of humankind’s most life-altering discoveries, so it’s no wonder that even today, we find comfort around the warm glow of a fire. Getting an invitation …
One of the great things about having a garden is that you can find a range of ways to reuse things that might otherwise be thrown away. Glass bottles are …
Plastic grocery bags. We’ve all got them hiding in our home somewhere, stashed somewhere out of sight where they multiply in the dark like rabbits. Perhaps you have one of …
It’s mid-September; prepare for the invasion of the eight-legged freaks! Does anybody get that reference? No? Lucky you. I had the supreme misfortune of seeing that movie in the theater, …
Out of all rooms in the home, it is the kitchen that collects more than its fair share of plastic. Waste comes in the form of bagged fruits, vegetables and …
When life hands you lemons, go ahead and make a fresh-squeezed lemonade, but don’t toss out those peels. At least, not just yet. There are plenty of better uses for …
The ability to weave your own baskets is one of the many self-reliant skills that you shouldn’t be missing out on. Why? Because basket weaving requires few tools, making it …
As someone who lives on the second floor of a large brick building, I know a thing or two about stifling rooms in the heat of summer. You know, the …
I remember growing up celebrating Earth Day in school and hearing about global warming and greenhouse gasses in class. These concepts always felt so far away when I was a …
Rainwater harvesting is the ancient practice of collecting and storing precipitation for later use. This technology can be traced back some 12,000 years in human history, and it makes just …
Smudging your home comes with many benefits, from cleansing the air to creating a calm and peaceful space. However, if the burning of herbs to cleanse your aura and your …
Copper is a friendly metal, isn’t it? It has such a beautiful, warm glow and charm to it. I mean, come on, it’s even one of Julie Andrews’s favorite things …
If you love DIY projects but detest the costs associated with buying brand new lumber, then it’s time you consider another building material—shipping pallets. Wood pallets are used throughout the …
Witch hazel was the first product that got me started down the path of using natural products in the home. Like most teenagers, I struggled with acne, nothing serious, but …