16 Mistakes Gardeners Make Planting Vegetables Each Spring
If you want to get your garden started on the right foot this year, it helps to be prepared. Yet, even with the most detailed garden plan in hand and …
If you want to get your garden started on the right foot this year, it helps to be prepared. Yet, even with the most detailed garden plan in hand and …
Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is an ancient North American species, wilder than most other plants you can grow in your edible landscape. Having only been in cultivation for about 100 years …
Wise gardeners know that herbs make excellent companion plants. And any gardener who enjoys cooking will surely have culinary herbs among their vegetables each year. But many folks don’t realize …
Crunchy, tangy capers are a staple in Mediterranean dishes. These tiny buds pack a flavorful punch and go great in everything from seafood to the classic chicken piccata. Normally, there’s …
Wise tomato growers know the best way to plant tomatoes is sideways, by trenching them or burying almost the entire plant. But what if I told you there’s something you …
This piece was updated on 8/28/2023 to include photos of the harvested garlic from the cloves planted in the spring. In the book of Germinations, it doth say, “Woe to …
Every winter, there comes a point where you bundle up tightly, head outdoors, and it hits you, right in the face – that little whiff of spring. Instead of bitter …
When it comes to daffodils, most of us think about planting bulbs in the fall. We rarely think about growing daffodils from seed. Yet each spring, daffodils grow seed pods …
I’m sure we can all agree that summer flowers are beautiful. And it’s hard to top the jewel tones of mums in the fall. But there’s something about those first …
If you’re considering planting fennel in your garden this year, you should probably reconsider. Even though every part of the plant is edible and delicious, planting fennel in your garden …
Getting baby chicks is so much fun. Those fuzzy balls of fluff have a way of melting even the chilliest of hearts, and before you know it, you’re completely attached …
As any seasoned weed-puller knows, keeping on top of weedy growth in the lawn and garden is a never-ending grind. Some weeds are easy, yank them up once and they’re …
After a long, dreary winter, there’s nothing like the visual shock of yellow splashed throughout a dull landscape. Daffodils seem to be the very definition of happy, bringing an end …
Often, social media gets a bad rep. And it’s usually warranted. But one of my favorite things about social media is the ability to share ideas that make life easier. …
It happens every spring. Before everything bursts with green, the view from your window is a sea of brown grass. But what are those areas of yellow-green stuff? A walk …
Water and air are essential to all life on earth. The cleaner they are, the healthier and happier we’ll be. That’s something we can all agree on. While we may …
It is officially spring when little yellow flowers begin to pop up in the thousands, turning every lawn into a star-studded carpet worthy of applause. Not everyone thinks the same …
The climes, they are a-changin’. Depending on where you live, winters might be trending milder or chillier. Frost dates, once fairly accurate, are shifting. The arrival of fool’s spring wakes …
When you think of spring flowers, I’ll bet daffodils immediately come to mind. It’s no surprise. With their pop of bright yellow after a dreary winter, they’re the perfect mascot …
Gardening comes with a lot of anecdotal wisdom, and not all of it works. However, one bit of gardening advice that’s proven to work time and again is to plant …
Year after year, gardeners head out to their vegetable patch to start another growing season equipped with tools, seed packets and assorted seedlings. So often, though, they lack one of …
Have you ever noticed how we tend to keep our gardening segregated? Veggies go in one bed, and flowers go in another. Oh sure, we might plant the odd marigold …
Can you automatically recall, with a shiver down your spine, the sound of an object flying straight into your living room window? The thud, followed by the drop, and the …
Polytunnel, hoop house, row cover – whatever you want to call it, they’re dead useful in the garden. There are plenty of benefits to be gained by adding a polytunnel …