40 Nitrogen Fixing Plants To Grow In Your Garden
The nitrogen cycle is one of the important natural cycles on our planet. Understanding this cycle is key to success in organic gardening. It can help us to give our plants one …
The nitrogen cycle is one of the important natural cycles on our planet. Understanding this cycle is key to success in organic gardening. It can help us to give our plants one …
Living sustainably is often about finding new ways to use old things. One person’s trash is, after all, another person’s treasure. By reusing and upcycling old tires, for example, we …
Composting is not rocket science. It is basically taking advantage of nature’s recycling system to return nutrients to the garden ecosystem. There is a lot of information out there telling …
It is every gardener’s secret wish to harvest bushels of fresh, juicy, fragrant tomatoes by the bucketfuls from their over-productive garden. In reality, at least for some of us, this …
Clay is often underneath our very feet, whether we are aware of it or not. Which leads to a somewhat serpentine thought process regarding its ample abundance. Consider for a …
I have the neatest pet on my counter. It provides me with the most delightful homemade sodas all summer long. I use this unique pet to give my switchel a …
Right in this very moment, wild bilberries high up in the mountains are being picked and combed for their delicious and richly nutritious berries. Did you know, they are 3x …
Often associated with vampires, witchcraft, and darkness, bats have gotten a pretty bad rap in our stories and lore. And yet, bats are a sure ally in the backyard, helping …
Potatoes are a staple crop on many temperate climate homesteads. Potatoes are generally a relatively easy (though space consuming) crop to grow. Get it right when it comes to choosing and …
Out of the myriad of reasons for starting a garden, saving money is often among the top. As is food security, the ability to eat nutrient-dense vegetables which taste far …
Eggplant – you either love it or hate it. This misunderstood vegetable has very few tepid fans. Even those of us that adore the creamy taste of perfectly cooked eggplant …
Plastic milk containers or milk jugs can be recycled. But the high quality plastic can also be used in a number of different ways around your home and garden. Before …
Fourteen years ago, I got back into gardening. That first spring I spent hours planning a vegetable garden that would be big enough to feed us throughout the summer, as …
You’ve got to love dandelions. They’re bright hey-look-at-me-yellow. You can often find these tough flowers growing up out of the cracks in the pavement in the middle of a city. …
Herb gardening is a fantastic gateway into gardening for those who are new to growing their own. There are many herbs you can easily grow even if you don’t have …
If you truly believe that food is medicine and you know from experience that many wild foods can be foraged for free, then there should be nothing standing in the …
Last year, I added a new plant to my forest garden – a Siberian pea tree or pea shrub (Caragana arborescens). In this article, I want to share my reasons …
Raised bed gardening is a simple and ancient technique for increasing crop yields for less work. Growing food “up” instead of “down” was first developed around 300 BC by the …
Borage is often mentioned in organic gardening circles. It is considered by many to be a wonderful plant, which can find pride of place in many gardens. But what exactly …
Every gardener knows, without a doubt, that some of the most delicious and nutritious foods cannot be bought at any store. Though you can find them free for the taking, …
Perennial flowers are a great choice for any garden. They can really brighten up your view, not just for one season, but for many years to come. Unlike annual or …
More and more of us are using our backyards as additional rooms for our homes. Cooking, dining and entertaining outdoors are all popular options. We use our backyards not only …
Who says that a vegetable garden has to be laid out in rectangular or square raised beds or in neat little rows? Who says that you have to choose between …
Gardening will never go out of fashion. Anyone with a green thumb and a penchant for growing nutritious food will attest to that. However, conventional ways of farming can fall …