How to Hand Pollinate Squash in 30 Seconds (With Photos!)
If you’ve ever tried to grow squash in your home garden and ended up with huge rambling plants but no fruit, this tutorial is for you! How exactly do you …
If you’ve ever tried to grow squash in your home garden and ended up with huge rambling plants but no fruit, this tutorial is for you! How exactly do you …
No homestead feels complete without a flock of chickens. Whether you live out in the country or own a quarter-acre lot in the city, there’s a good chance you’ve considered …
If you are looking for something a little different to grow in your garden, elephant garlic is for you. Unlike regular garlic, elephant garlic is a perennial plant that can remain …
No matter how successfully you make tomatoes ripen more quickly in your garden, chances are you will still be left with a number of green tomatoes to use up at …
Whether you are a seasoned homesteader or a yearning-to-be homesteader, this list of self-reliant skills will give you so much to learn (plus resources to get started), that you’ll never …
It’s that time of year when chickens suddenly go from producing an egg every day to one or two a week, or if you’re really unlucky, no eggs at all. …
Fall is sneaking up on us quickly, which means it’s time to get digging in the garden to plant your garlic! Garlic is one of the few crops that you …
I have three large aloe vera plants, two that are pups from the main plant. They all share a big terra cotta bowl on the end of a coffee table, …
It’s never too late to plant seeds in the garden – except when it is covered by snow! Let’s not skip seasons too rapidly though, we are still in the …
I don’t know about you, but I’m not a morning person. I need a good strong cup of coffee every day to reanimate me and propel me into whatever responsibilities …
A quick search for “Using coffee grounds in the garden” and Google will unleash a deluge of links to articles telling you to save those spent grounds! We are advised …
Autumn is right on our doorstep, just as it will be coming to yours in due time. We can see it in the yellow leaves falling gracefully from the trees …
Grapes can be one of the most rewarding crops in your garden! The bunches are beautiful, sweet and slightly sour, absolutely delicious, and being such prolific growers, they will provide …
The heat and humidity of summer makes many things grow bushy and tall. If you have a garden, you’ll find that this also applies to the abundance of greens you …
There’s no better feeling than bringing in a bumper harvest from the garden, but when you find yourself with an overabundance, it can be hard to know how to deal …
It’s that time of year where summer gardens are producing hot peppers in enormous quantities! The thing about hot peppers though, is you can only eat so many before they …
One of the major challenges that we face in cool temperate climates is the short growing season. We are often in a race against the elements in our gardens, trying …
Have you ever selected and planted a beautiful young tomato plant only to find it growing erratically and under-producing? Or perhaps your plant buckles over under the weight of too …
The hardest work of the gardening season is over, and you’re bringing in your potato harvest. Or maybe you’ve visited your local farmers’ market and got a little carried away …
Jade are one of the quintessential succulent house plants that almost everyone can recognize and most plant lovers to keep in their home. Not yet got your own Jade plant? …
You’re probably asking yourself, “What in the world is switchel anyway?” It’s only the best drink option to beat the crazy summer heat! If you’ve ever read the Little House …
Backyard chicken keeping is all the rage these days. If you’re thinking about raising a flock of chickens, you’ll need all the facts, and there are plenty of things no …
Every summer zucchinis take control of the garden, some growing large enough to give more then 15 cups of grated green pulp per fruit! Even though zucchini is commonly treated …
Around your apple trees, you will find a range of apples that fall onto the ground. But even when they have fallen from the tree, there are still a number …